조용필 팬클럽 미지의 세계 Cho Yongpil Fanclub Mizi

열린 게시판


king of fools - Hunchback Of Notre Dame(노틀담의꼽추)

찍사, 2005-12-05 23:05:41

조회 수
추천 수

King of fools

Music by Dennis DeYoung
Lyrics by Dennis DeYoung

Now listen and learn for there's more here than meets the eye

Do you see them there with their finery and jewels
They're gonna find some freak and crown him king of fools
From the poor and oppressed
They're gonna pick the ugliest
And make him the king

But don't be fooled by their generosity
It's just a dirty trick by the aristocracy
Ya see they want somebody who
They can mock and ridicule
Someone like you, and me, but especially you


Who'll be the king of fools
Who'll be the king of fools
Could it be me or you
King of fools
King of fools

Keep your fingers light for it's time to confiscate
For a pocked picked puts a sausage on the plate
Besides, the rich and velvet clad
Are just waiting to be had
So deservedly

God damn these gypsies
They're demons from Satan's lair
They'll move right in
Then there goes the town and square
First they'll amuse you and smile then they'll steal you blind

Cause given have a chance
You know they're gonna breed like rats

Then voila you'll see
There goes our ethnic purity


Who'll be the king of fools
Who'll be the king of fools
His ugliness always rules
King of fools
King of fools

Today's the day
We celebrate the feast
And worship not the beauty
But the beast

So if people gasp in shock

Cause your face could stop a clock

Step right this way

Who'll be the king of fools
Who'll be the king of fools
His ugliness always rules
King of fools
King of fools

* 출처


* 위 노래는 조용필 디제이 추천곡  코너, 위대한 탄생 박물관 AOD 서비스중 배철수를 검색하셔서 25분 에서 들어보세요

2 댓글


2005-12-06 00:15:01

이곡은 2001 그리움의 불꽃 오프닝때 사용된 곡이였습니다
그땐 몰랐는데, 이제 와서 들으니 노틀담의 곱추이더군요...(마치 알고있었다는 듯이...^^)


2005-12-06 00:42:20

꼭 들어 볼께요. 집에 가서요...^^ - 지금은 근무중...사운드 자제 ㅎㅎㅎ -

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