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Mkapa decorates Korean singer

찍사, 2002-01-16 06:41:07

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사진 설명(연합뉴스)~

가수 조용필(右)씨가 26일 서울 팔레스호텔에서 탄자니아 자키아 메기  자원관광부 장관을 통해 탄자니아 정부가 주는 체육문화훈장을 받고 악수하고 있다.

탄자니아 훈장 받으신 기사 내용입니다.

기사내용은  http://uecc.new21.net/new_english_korean.php ☜ 이사이트 가셔서

문장 복사해서 붙여 넣으시고 번역보기 하시면 됩니다.
완벽한 번역은 아니지만,,,대충내용은 번역이 되거든여~

아프리카 웹 사이트에서 퍼왔읍니다.  ^^

Mkapa decorates Korean singer

James Lembeli for Daily News
Seoul, South Korea, 27/09/2001

President Benjamin Mkapa honoured a South Korean pop singer, Cho Yong Pil, yesterday presenting to him Tanzania's top Sports and arts medal in recognition of the singer's work in portraying Tanzania in good light in the outside world.

Ibo Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Zakia Meghji, presented the award to the musician on behalf of the president at a ceremony held at the Seoul Palace Hotel in Seoul yesterday.

In a speech read on the president's behalf by Meghji, President Mkapa said during his visit to South Korea in December 1998, he was impressed by the musician's song titled Leopard of Mount Kilimanjaro.

"The song, which narrates a story relating to your visit to Tanzania and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro," the president said in his speech, "has not only entertained your audiences in South Korea but also inspired many people from this county to come to Tanzania to see and climb the mountain "

President Mkapa further said that the song has gone a long way into enlightening many South Koreans on the geography and other physical aspects of Tanzania

He said the song has also helped publicise Tanzania's natural potentials and elevated the country's good image, thereby contributing positively in the promotion of the cordial and friendly relationship that already exists between the two countries.

Pop singer Cho was born in South Korea on March 21,1960. He embarked upon his music career in 1975 and soon became one of the most famous South Korean singers with his number, Come back the Pusan harbour.

Affectionately known to his fans as the Michael Jackson of South Korea, Cho has received many local and international awards in appreciation for his meritorious work.

The Tanzanian Director of Tourism, Saleh Pamba, the Executive Secretary for the Zanzibar Commission for Tourism, Vuai Mohamed, and Tourism Board Managing Director Peter Mwenguo graced the award-giving ceremony in Seoul.

(Daily News (T))

출처: http://www.africaonline.com/site/Articles/1,3,41165.jsp

5 댓글


2002-01-16 06:49:30

훕스~~쫌 전에 미국이더니 이번엔 아프리카*** 찍사님 이제 세계적인 찍사로 거듭날려구요? 아예 번역본 올려주징^^*


2002-01-16 06:50:52

아임님..방가~~ 흠..좋은 내용이군..


2002-01-16 07:11:42

제가 읽을수 있는 내용(조용필 ,..음음음...)ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 무슨말인지 영 모르겠음니다...


2002-01-16 18:13:05

이젠 국내활동 영역이 좁아져서 세계로 나아가고 있는 찍사님 화이팅~


2002-01-16 19:26:11

으~~~~새벽이슬선생님께서 좋은 가사라고 하시니까 저도 좋은 가사라고 느껴지네요...오빠가 부르신 노래라면 가사는 당근 좋겠지요...흐흐^^

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