조용필 팬클럽 미지의 세계 Cho Yongpil Fanclub Mizi

열린 게시판

Good Morning.
How are you today? It's raining outside. Don't you think we have exceptionally much rain this spring? I wonder if this rain may be harmful to crops, although I enjoy it very much. Romantic elements to some can be absolutely opposite to others.

I have been to the Cho, Yong Pil's concert last Saturday. Actually, it was my first time to go to such an event and I thought going to such concerts is time-consuming and money-wasting. To be more frankly, I thought those who go there must be very fortunate or have nothing to do. However, his concert is gorgeous, fantastic, and amazing enough to stop my preconception. I didn't expect how one famous singer's songs made us so happy. In actuality, we were completely impressed and overwhelmed not only by his songs,but also by the atmosphere which all the audience, singer, music band,and electronic media made. Most of all we were impressed by his talent and constant passion for music. He didn't give up his work for 35 years and such a long length of time was good enough to support his fame. Of course, there must have been suffering as well as a lot of glorious time in his long music endeavor.

As people said, he must have been a small giant and proved it that night. When he sang the song, 님떠나가는 배', which is not his title song but 가곡. I wonder if the title is right or not.
It seemed that he sang the song for his dead wife. He sang two song for her and nobody could cry out and move while he was singing the songs. All was quiet except his seemingly sobbing and exclaiming gesture and song. How hard it is to put what I felt into words with my weak power of English!! I felt tears dropping in my eyes. And he cheered the gloomy atmosphere up with another song without saying anything about his present feelings after his wife was dead, but his songs for her were good enough to arouse sympathy.

Although I am not in my teens or twenties, I fully enjoyed it with the same passion and I was surprised at the fact that I could be back to such a passion again. In fact, I had never felt such a passion when young. I made up my mind to have such a chance frequently if possible. It is easy to feel depressed and getting old in my age. I am sometimes afraid of getting old without any clear achievement, but age is not so important. The most important thing in our life is to have a dream and make efforts. When we try to change ourselves and make our life beautiful, we all can be small giants. Be happy today.  

3 댓글


2003-05-28 06:18:42

이거 쓰신분 누구세요? 궁금하다.


2003-05-28 18:45:17

좋은아침입니다 오늘은어때세요?밖에는비가 내리고 있네요이번봄은이상하게 비가마니내리네요만약이비가 곡물에게 해가되는지궁금하네요나그런것을즐깁니다낭만적인요소가다른것에반대일수도 있네요지난주


2003-05-28 21:29:35

토요일은 조용필님공연보고왔습니다실제적으로 돈을 낭바하면서 까지 공연본건 첨입니다 좀더솔직히 말하자면행운아인지 아니면 아무런관계없다고 생각했습니다그러나 그의콘서트는 웅장했습니다환상

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